Nau Mai Haere Mai
Welcome to Waiariki
Whānau Mentoring
We are a Māori owned and operated Hauora
with a Charitable Purpose.
We provide Mentoring, Brokering and Advocacy services designed to make positive changes in the lives of Whānau living on the fringe across the Waiariki and Waikato regions.
Our space allows Whanau to share without being judged and persecuted. It gives them an opportunity to be who they are called to be, finding their inner selves which begins the healing process to transformational change.
Te whare Taiope ō piripono
The haven of devotion and support
Kōkuhu mai ki te poho ō Rongo (Te Atua rongo-nui ō te aroha me te mārie) whakapiri mai ki te Waiāriki Whanau Kaiārahi whakaruruhau. E ngākau-nui nei ki te Manaaki me te tautoko i te whanau Tokomatua e
ngākau-nui nei ki te raparapa i te huarahi.
Tūturu whaka-mauā kia tīnā, haere mai te toki hāumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē.

Enter the realm of Rongo (God of love and peace) join with us Te Waiāriki Whānau Mentoring fraternity. Our energies are dedicated to providing mentoring and support to whanau who are searching for salvation.
Let us be firm & dedicated, come hither the adze our work is done, hold fast in unity.
Our Vision
Whanau are central in all that we do and in helping our whanau to become independent. Therefore, our Kaupapa is designed and conducive to the needs and aspirations of whanau. It is vitally important in the transition to independence.
As a result, we have seen a reduction in re-offending, re-incarcerated, drug, whanau and alcohol harm as well suicide in droves.
Whānau Central
Whānau Central
Whanau are central in all that we do and in helping our whanau to become independent. Therefore, our Kaupapa is designed and conducive to the needs and aspirations of whanau. It is vitally important in the transition to independence.
As a result, we have seen a reduction in re-offending, re-incarcerated, drug, whanau and alcohol harm as well suicide in droves.
Our Kaupapa
We work comprehensively with a network of partners and community-based providers, Iwi and our Treaty Partners to ensure the best possible outcomes for our whanau.
We have equally strong relationships with wahine and tamariki within the fringe whanau space. We can walk into their spaces as we are trusted and respected.
Through this we are seeing successes for whole whanau in not just making change, but transforming their lives with our support and engaging other services as a result of our triage.
Authentic Grassroots Relationships
Authentic Grassroots Relationships
We have equally strong relationships with wahine and tamariki within the fringe whanau space. We can walk into their spaces as we are trusted and respected.
Through this we are seeing successes for whole whanau in not just making change, but transforming their lives with our support and engaging other services as a result of our triage.
A story of hope and
Our organisation relies on a partnership developed upon faith and potential. From the outset of our relationship, PSN witnessed such passion and determination among the team of Waiariki Whānau Mentoring (WWM). A determination to envision a new life for whānau and tamariki living on the fringe.
This is work that required all of us to take risks, to open our hearts and minds to experiences and ways of being that we might not have experienced before.
Our journey together required a true leap of faith, learning together as we grew in our commitment to this vision.
The stories and outcomes that echo on each page of our website are shared with aroha and respect. They are shared in the hope that each individual and organisation it reaches feels a sense of support for this new way of working, seeing each contributor as a person full of potential.
We thank you PSN for believing in us and believing in the whānau we serve.
This is work that required all of us to take risks, to open our hearts and minds to experiences and ways of being that we might not have experienced before.
Our journey together required a true leap of faith, learning together as we grew in our commitment to this vision.
The stories and outcomes that echo on each page of our website are shared with aroha and respect. They are shared in the hope that each individual and organisation it reaches feels a sense of support for this new way of working, seeing each contributor as a person full of potential.
We thank you PSN for believing in us and believing in the whānau we serve.