As a result of our kaupapa, fringe whānau and the wider community are benefitting.
Tāne and wahine are increasingly living healthier lifestyles, reconnecting with whānau and developing plans to achieve their aspirations because they can see a positive future for themselves.
We have provided a platform and safe space for them to share their stories which provides the opportunity to work and deal with the unresolved trauma caused as a result of their upbringing.
By creating a space of ‘no’ judgement and or fear the positive flow on effects have been clearly apparent to see, with other whanau reaching out for the same support.
Whanau themselves say they are growing in confidence, see themselves as “having a contribution to make” to their communities as a direct result of working with WWM.
As a result we have seen reductions in:
As a result of these reductions, we now have
of our whānau in
full time sustainable employment.
Telling of stories
This is directly strengthening their relationships with government agencies, partners and communities where societal mindsets are changing and view of these whanau that they didn’t see before.
Connected to iwi
WWM are also increasingly connected with local iwi and we are seeing small positive changes with regard to perceptions of those living on the fringe among iwi.
These successes, connections and partnerships mean WWM are highly respected in fringe whānau communities and increasingly well known.
Better support
The strengths are, that it is whānau driven innovation – no one else is doing that and our partners are now getting involved in the movement.
Executive Board
Waata Heathcote
Board Chair
Board Representative
Board Representative
Board Representative
Nga Kaitiaki o nga Kaupapa
Adviser Cultural
Adviser Youth
Mana Tātāriki
Executive Leadership
Director Mental Health & Addictions
Te Wai Aio Tatariki
Lead Peer Support
Awhina Bedford
Lead Aspirations
Brittany Te Riini
ACC Navigator
Mental Health & Addictions Clinician
Pou-Kete Kai
Traditional Healer
Whanau delivered solutions,
for whanau by whanau.